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Andy started his career in Boston as a Project Manager for a Software as a Service (SaaS) company. This experience gave him critical skills needed to manage Cross Functional Teams with Executive level visibility. During this work Andy often became frustrated with product usability and design. He used this as an opportunity to work with the Product Management team and set the foundation for his full-time move into product design.

In 2009 Andy jumped headfirst into product management and design for the first time. He had the incredible privilege of working with a small team to bring a brand-new product to market. On this team he worked as the Product Designer, Product Manager, and SCRUM Master. While an incredible challenge, they were successful in bringing a new product to market and helping to fuel his company’s launch to a successful IPO.

In 2011 the company opened a new office space that focused on selling and servicing Andy’s products. During this time he officially moved to a full time User Experience Designer role that allowed him to take ownership of all products at his company.

2013 was the year Andy and Jen had their first daughter. Andy created the first [M]otherboard, hoping it would help them communicate with staff and stand out from the crowd. The nurses were really excited about it when they checked in to the hospital. Jen was an absolute rockstar and Amy supported them through the process as their doula. Andy and Amy feel fortunate to have forged that initial connection and are excited to continue working together to improve both [M]otherboard and our maternity system.

In 2015 Andy moved back into an R&D role with an eye to the future. He is excited to be working on [M]otherboard and believe it has great ramifications in improving healthcare.